More and more companies are considering whether or not they should outsource the generation of leads from their sales department in order to focus on increasing sales.

Lead generation is a good way for the flow of the client portfolio to be recurrent but without an adequate strategy or if it is done in a bad way, lead generation can waste a lot of time and even harm your business.

That is why more and more companies decide to leave it in the hands of an outsourcing company.

But what questions should you ask yourself before deciding to hire an outsourcing company?

What kind of campaign do I want to do?

Defining the campaign style you want to carry out to generate new leads is the first step. For example,  do you need to do a campaign to book demos with your potential clients? Do you need an emailing campaign offering a specific service? Do you want to organize a webinar and invite prospects that showed interest for your business?

 Can I keep up with the resources I currently have?

Analyze if with the staff that you currently have within your commercial department you can support the volume of work that a lead generation campaign requires. Can you spend enough time making calls to potential customers? Will they be able to track the leads? If the answer to these questions is no, it is best to outsource this service to a specialist business outsourcing company.

Which Outsourcing Company Should I Choose?

It is important that the company you choose has previous experience in sales and conducting lead generation campaigns. Find out if the company has knowledge of the market you want to enter, if its Lead Generators are used to speaking with the interlocutor profile you are looking for, if they have references from having carried out other campaigns with clients in the same sector.

At Latamforce we believe that a good training of our Lead Generators before starting any campaign is essential for the success of a campaign.

We have Lead Generators specialized in carrying out campaigns for specific sectors such as Software, Online Marketing, ERP, Industrial, etc. and they are used to speaking with profiles such as Financial Director, Marketing Director, Operations Director, etc.

If you have any questions regarding lead generation outsourcing don’t hesitate to book a call with one of our experts.