In the field of information technology, the alternative of remote work, with flexible schedules, has already been transforming the concept of what a workplace is, even well before the Covid-19 pandemic imposed new normalities derived from the need for social distancing.

For a few years, organizations that are open to hiring remote developers have access to a larger group of talent with lower turnover rates, being more satisfied with the modality, these workers show greater loyalty.

Research confirmed that many employees work more efficiently when they can perform in environments of their choice. The perception is that “coders and engineers who are hired remotely are making software development more innovative, more productive, and more engaged in helping their companies grow.”

Remote work is based on a result-oriented work culture: depending on the case and the specific agreements, the software creator and the person in charge of developing iOS or Android mobile apps, or web apps, may not have a schedule. In saying that, the same flexibility of being able to work when and where you want motivates you to complete the task on time, with superior quality, and effort.

New normal

A 2019 study found that remote work “is the new normal for developers.”

Last year 86% were already working remotely in some capacity, and a third worked from home full time. Remote working is not only something these app developers or hybrid app developers prefer, but they increasingly demand it from their employers: 43% said that the ability to work remotely is a “must” when considering an offer with a company.

On the other hand, a survey discovered that 71% of developers who work remotely said they feel connected to their company’s community. However, 29% indicated that they feel excluded from offline team conversations, or don’t feel integrated into the company culture, indicating that there is still some way to go.

Communication is critical to engage with remote workers. The data above indicates that employers need to adjust how they engage with developers who work remotely. For this, the same developers prefer tools such as collaboration software, instant messaging, email, text messages and video calls.

According to the same research, 76% of developers surveyed, expected that working remotely would improve their work-life balance; however, many reported working longer hours and ultimately rated their situation as only marginally better than office workers.

Intact commitment

Choosing remote developers does not imply that the commitment to the project or the organization is reduced. Through staff augmentation, for example, dedicated developers can be hired for a particular project and company, which will collaborate with product support, in addition to the development itself.

Advantages: Among the advantages of hiring remote developers, the following should be highlighted:

Availability: Remote developers offer flexibility and are available to respond to requests when needed.

Security: The work of remote developers is governed by confidentiality agreements.

Right talent: Opening up to hiring remote developers expands the pool of potential talent significantly. Your company will be able to recruit developers worldwide.

Add experience: It is common for remote developers to have a background in other projects similar to your company’s.

Productivity: Studies reveal that “self-rated productivity of software developers is more related to a variety of tasks and the ability to work remotely.”

Lower infrastructure costs: Your organization won’t have to spend funds designing an attractive physical workplace to recruit and retain talent.

The model proved to be advantageous and profitable, which is why today many companies prefer to hire remote software development services. Naturally, hiring talent through a reliable outsourcing company, which also has experience in application development and advice for modernization and digital implementation, is always a challenge, but it is not so difficult to avoid risks either.

At Latamforce we support the projects of organizations with teams of remote developers trained with the latest technologies with the ability to adapt to various projects and work cultures.

Now your company can also reap the benefits of accessing remote developers to power your technology and business projects.

For more information on how to hire remote developers book a call with us!