5 Remote Working Trends To Look Out For In The Near Future!
With the world discovering alternative ways to work without human contact, the work-from-home force is getting a facelift. Companies must cope with most non-essential workers completing their work at home. Could your productivity working from home actually be better?
The Impact of Remote Work on the Workforce
The shift to remote work has affected the workforce in a variety of ways.
Increased productivity and engagement
One of the major benefits of remote work is that it boosts productivity and engagement. In fact, studies have found that 81% of hybrid employees report being highly engaged, followed by 78% of fully remote employees, and only 72% of on-site employees. However, this increase in productivity and engagement relies on technological preparedness. When remote employees have the materials, equipment, and digital tools necessary to work remotely effectively, they are 2 times more likely to be engaged.
Access to a diversified talent pool
Remote work means the potential talent pool for organizations is no longer limited by geography. It is now possible to recruit employees from around the globe without having to pay for relocation expenses, enabling a greater amount of diversity when it comes to ideas, age, race, and abilities.
Higher employee retention
Beyond the advantage of attracting new talent, offering a strong remote work policy can also help incentivize your current employees to stay with your company. Giving employees ranges in terms of work location and hours is a relatively low-cost benefit and employee retention strategy to leverage.
Reduced overhead costs
Organizations save a large amount of money on real estate expenses when they need less office space due to remote and hybrid employees. They can also save on office supplies, utilities, and more.

Remote working trends for the near future
Are you on top of the latest remote working trends? Do you know what the future of remote work looks set to bring? Sit tight and learn which workforce trends are going to sky rocket.
Get the insight on five trends to look out for.
Trend 1. The capacity to remote work is now expected
The trend of people working outside of the office setting is expected to continue. Forbes highlighted a survey that working remotely was expected to double in 2021. Looking further into the future, it’s predicted that 70% of the workforce will be working remotely by 2025.
Large tech companies, always the leaders in innovation, have already responded in kind. Facebook, Shopify, Twitter, Dropbox, and Spotify are just a few of the tech giants that have implemented policies that allow employees who want to continue working remotely to do so into the future.
Attracting and retaining that top talent is key to your business’s success, and remote work creates an atmosphere of trust and future-forward thinking. 35% of employees would change jobs if they could work remotely full-time.
Keep in mind that not offering any sort of remote working will be a shot in the foot to your recruitment process.
Trend 2. Remote working productivity remains high
Several studies over the past few months show productivity while working remotely from home is better than working in an office setting. On average, those who work from home spend 10 minutes less a day being unproductive, work one more day a week, and are 47% more productive.
How can you be more focused while working at home? Find out how professionals manage to get more done on flexible work arrangements, not in an office setting.
Performance can increase up to 13 percent by working from home
A study by Standford of 16,000 workers over 9 months found that working from home increase productivity by 13%. This increase in performance was due to more calls per minute attributed to a quieter more convenient working environment and working more minutes per shift because of fewer breaks and sick days.
In this same study workers also reported improved work satisfaction, and attrition rates were cut by 50%.
Working Remotely Can Increase Productivity up to 77%
77% of those who work remotely at least a few times per month show increased productivity, with 30% doing more work in less time and 24% doing more work in the same period of time according to a survey by ConnectSolutions.
Impressive, right?!
Trend 3. More Industries Enabling Remote Work
Office jobs make up most remote work positions today, as these involve more work that is possible to do remotely. More hands-on sectors like manufacturing have not been able to embrace hybrid work like other industries, but that is changing. In 2022, technological advancement will bring remote work to more sectors.
Tech like virtual reality (VR) and remote-controlled robotics let people perform physical, hands-on tasks from miles away. As these technologies improve and become more accessible, even industries like manufacturing will be able to capitalize on remote work. This shift may take time, but it will grow.
Hire remote workers, after all, and you can hire from a pool of the best globally, not just the best within commuting distance from your head office, we are talking about Latamforce, helping US companies find the best talent in Latin America.
Trend 4. More competition, more opportunity
The potential of hiring from anywhere in the world creates an amazing pool from which an employer can choose, and from which the best employees can pick. Competition works both ways, which is bringing both employees’ and employers’ standards up across the board.
Companies have to be at the top of their game in terms of company culture and benefits, etc, to reel in those high-profile employees.
Trend 5. Remote Work Expanding Globally
In the past two years, remote work has expanded businesses’ workforce across the nation. In the near future, it will go further, crossing national borders and growing international workforces. Companies are realizing that remote work technologies let them access leading talent from across the globe, so more will capitalize on that opportunity.
As remote work tools improve and become more common, more companies will be able to access top talent, regardless of where these employees live. Workforces as a whole will become more international and diverse.
It’s Time to Adapt to The Future of Work!
Not long ago, working from home was a rare luxury. Today, people are coming to expect it in some jobs and industries. Remote and hybrid work are taking over, and as they grow, these flexible working arrangements will shift.
As more companies embrace and expand their remote workforce, entire industries could evolve.
Remote work is the future of the workforce. Is your business ready to adapt? Latamforce is here to help. We make recruiting top remote talent easier than ever before so you can focus on making your business more efficient and profitable. Contact us and start building your remote team!