Elon Musk continues to ignite the debate and create controversy on social networks. This Monday he asked the executive president of Apple, Tim Cook, for explanations, because he assures that the apple company “has stopped almost all advertising on Twitter”, in a series of tweets in which he wonders if Apple “hates the right to free speech” in the United States. He also accused him of allegedly wanting to remove the app from the App Store for no reason.

Still have not received a response from Tim Cook, he continues with another message in which he accuses Apple of “imposing a secret 30% tax on everything you buy through its App Store”, and implies that he does not plan to pay for it with a ” meme “: on a highway, there is a fork with two lanes: pay 30% or go to war, and you see a car named Elon that chooses to go to war.

In another tweet, he writes that “Apple should publish all the acts of censorship that it has taken and that affect its users”, and also opens one of its famous surveys for users to comment on whether Apple should make public those “acts of censorship”, a survey to which more than half a million users responded in less than an hour (most with a “yes”).

Could Twitter come into conflict with the EU after closing its Brussels office? It was key to follow the legal framework of Europe. At the moment, the Twitter application works with apparent normality on Apple iPhones.

If confirmed by Apple, its withdrawal from advertising will mean a new blow to Twitter, which since Musk’s landing has lost a good part of its advertising revenue: according to the public radio network NPR, the birding network has already lost half of its top advertisers, which this year alone had spent $750 million on the network.

After the withdrawal of advertisers, sometimes public and other times discreet, there is the fear of companies when they see the uncertain course that Twitter is taking in relation to content, and that manifests itself in decisions as controversial as the restoration of Donald Trump’s account. , suspended after the assault on the Capitol.

Elon Musk is usually defined as “an absolutist of freedom of expression” and therefore opposed to excessive control of content, but since his arrival, this has translated into a greater presence in the network of hate speech.

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